Saturday, June 20, 2009

Temporary SD? Possibly Permanent?

I found a SD! What should I call him....I suppose Mr. C works for now. He makes more than $1 mill a year,  and promised $2500 a month to see him a couple times a month. He doesn't want me seeing anyone else and if I do, I'm supposed to tell him. Wellll I met him today and we had a quick chat and I'm $15o richer which is nice considering I was pretty much utterly broke. I left my cell phone in his car, total faux pas (yes I went in his car but I didn't have sex with him and I really don't intend to) but I spoke with him online and I said I'll just pick it up next time I see him. I know he isn't offering a whole lot financially, but he thought I was really hott and the thing is he is SUPER NICE! He isn't a creep or serial killer, I am really good with vibes and this guy is all right. He does have a foot fetish, but that doesn't even weird me out. I don't care for feet, though. He wasn't even creepy about it he just casually admitted it. The thing with him is, he is YOUNG, totally young considering. He's only 36, handsome, and Persian! He even has a sexy accent. I don't know I have a really good feeling about this and I don't think I'll bother going out with anyone else, at least for now. He seems like he can really provide for me financially, I'm not looking for much and I know this is the first date I've gone on or whatever but if I can find someone willing to treat me like a princess, and someone who doesn't have any immediately discernible negative qualities, I don't know why I would look for someone else. I'm pretty darn happy all things considered. He wants to take me to Atlantic City with him. Maybe I can be his lucky charm. He has really nice eyelashes :)...Oh and about the sex. I actually told him I don't know if I would feel comfortable having sex, and that I'm pretty inexperienced (I've only had sex with 3 men) and don't want to have sex with anyone right now. I said everything else is fine, but sex no. And he was actually okay with yeah. Lol I know he is probably going to try and change my mind, but who knows if he stays sweet maybe I'll want to. 


  1. Aww hope everything goes good between you two! And Persians are sexy, not to mention exotic.

  2. I think you should go for it, its better than nothing and if you get on and you like him thats perfect! Good luck, keep us updated. Bow x
