Friday, June 12, 2009

First Introductory Post

Hey to anyone who chances upon this!
I have never done this type of thing before. Sought someone out with any care about their financial situation, that is. Up til this point in my life I would describe myself as a very generous person, actually, and my friends would probably say the same. Unfortunately, I have come to learn that some men are so jaded they do not even realize when they are using a women, for everything! The thing is, I JUST got out of a relationship with someone I thought was my soul mate at one point. I should have seen the warning signs of him being a User, but I didn't (or if I saw them I chose to ignore them because I thought he was so great)
Now the thing is many people would consider me to be an attractive female. I am 21 years old, 5'3, with very good skin, big eyes, a nice body (though I wish I were more voluptuous!) My very recent ex, however, didn't appreciate me as I deserve to be appreciated. I ended up paying for everything all throughout the relationship, and that includes the first date, hotel rooms...absolutely everything. He promised that he would get a job, that he would get on his feet (he used to be very successful) but these were false, empty promises and now I'm even more in debt than when I got with him. I guess you could say that I was a sugar mama, and I really have to take responsibility for that because these were, after all, my choices. 
Well, basically I've had enough. Guys throw themselves at me all the time and  I refuse to be with someone who is perpetually using me for sex, emotional support, and money. I want to be pampered for once. Now the moral repercussions of being in a mutually beneficial relationship were disturbing to me at first but really I am so tired of men treating me like crap just once in my life I want to find someone who will treat me like a princess, shower me with gifts and appreciation. I'm not looking to use anybody just for their money. I really want to find a genuine emotional connection; I've just gotten way more specific with the type of man I am aiming to attract. 

So basically for the past few days I have joined a whole bunch of sugar daddy dating sites, among them which I have to say is my current favorite just because it's free, and there seem like a lot of potential gems. 

This is my journey, love me or hate me...Wish me luck, I'll keep you posted :), 

1 comment:

  1. Hey dear. I'm Sophie and I'm currently on the road back to Sugarland (been there, done that, got the T-shirt) and I like your blog and was wondering if you'd like to do a link share?
