Monday, June 15, 2009


Hi hi hi to everyone who has been kind enough to leave a comment or warm welcome I really appreciate it!!

There haven't really been any crazy developments so far as my search is concerned...I'm meeting with a man who works a mere 10 minutes away from my house on Wednesday; he has specified on his SA profile that he can pay 3-5k a month and is quite wealthy, and I spoke with him briefly on the phone and he seemed pretty earnest and interested. Just a cup of coffee...technically I'm not supposed to have caffeine cos I have this weird heart condition but one cup won't hurt. My dad made me an appointment with the cardiologist actually, and its either tomorrow or next Tuesday. I don't really think I need to go but, whatever.
The past few days have been fun I detoxed from the Internet which was good I've definitely spent too much time online lately. Hung out with one of my friend "A", and her husband. She's 20 with a 2 year old son and he is 18. They're going to prom and she showed me her dress it's pretty fantastic. Then we went to the mall to find them accessories and things like that. (A has a lot of money because her grandma is wealthy and she is leaving almost everything to A, including 600k, and a million dollar house.)

I really am not well versed in fashion or anything like that; but strangely I have always had expensive taste. At the mall A was looking at Coach bags (she already has a ton) and fancy expensive watches and I started to look at everything with new eyes. Maybe not so long from now I WILL be able to afford a cute purse that in the past I only would have admired from afar. I don't want to get ahead of myself but I've always been a dreamer and how fantastic would it be if my dreams turned to reality? Anyway, A didn't find a purse that matched her dress and shoes well enough (I thought some did but she has much better fashion sense than me!) and she and I wandered away while her husband looked at watches for himself. Later, he pulled me aside and showed me that he had gotten a watch for her instead which I thought was SO sweet. She's going to love it. It's not the Michelle watch she wanted (which was $900) but it is still very nice. Then he took us to another store and INSISTED on buying both of us whatever we wanted. I was like wow. Because that's not how I am...and yet I'm looking for a SD. This whole situation with me looking for a SD is completely contrary to my nature but I think maybe the reason for it has something to do with me being compulsively nice to every man that's been involved with me to the point where I've paid for everything and have never experienced a situation where someone wanted to take care of me. My father spoiled me rotten as a child and I was always daddy's little girl but for some reason that never translated properly into my adult life and everything was backwards. Now here I am, 21 and confused as hell but certain about one thing: I want me a sugar daddy darnit! lol oh man...

Anyway I didn't know what to do but any shirt or skirt my eyes rested on A's husband would pick up and ask me if I liked it and was just very commanding and said it would insult him if I refused so I finally gave in and picked a few things I actually liked including this adorable hippie dippie shirt that had a real boho feel to it. A and I got matching teddies and the same pair of shorts. I just felt so spoiled but it was kind of awesome. I ended up sleeping over A's house and the 3 of us went to look for cars for her husband. We went to a couple of dealerships and I saw this beautiful convertible and fantasized about actually having a car like that one day.
A and her hubby bought blue lights for the interior of their Escalade and later that day we watched The curious case of benjamin button....I guess this all wasn't too SD related but I did get spoiled which was awesome! I'll update this after I've had a date, cheers to all you girls and thanks again for reading this!


  1. Sounds like A's hubby might have a crush on you!
    BTW- added a button for you to subscribe. Thanks for asking!

  2. Thanks for following me! I'm glad you did and welcome to the SB community, I haven't found a SD just yet (still looking) but I can tell you that I felt the same way at first. After you find one though, it's easy to get hooked. Good luck on finding your perfect SD!

  3. I just found your blog...I look forward to following you!
