Friday, June 19, 2009

Slim Pickins

I'm a bit exasperated. Yesterday, I signed up at to expand my prospects and was contacted by a number of men but I realize that you guys are right and that the number of men who are actually respectful, classy, and are articulate is so low. It's pretty disappointing. I think I will have to resume my job search as I don't even have money to travel the city to go on dates. Perhaps I could borrow some money from my parents, but I hate borrowing money from them. I wish I could just magically meet the perfect SD but it's really not going to happen. The guy I was talking to from Boston who promised to put me up in a nice hotel stopped emailing me and it's only been about a week but that feels like a long time. He was the only man that was married that I would actually be interested in getting to know. I asked if he had a cell I could text him at and never heard back from him, and I realize that he's probably busy but it's a little disheartening. A couple of men gave me their phone numbers after I spoke with them but I'm so phone shy it's really sad. I operate much better in person. You should see me when I'm on the phone, I can't help but pace really anxiously all over the house. I don't know what I'm so afraid of it's not like they're going to leap through the phone and hurt me or anything. I guess I'm just afraid I'll mess up and in person I could at least try to use my feminine wiles to divert attention away from brief moments of ditziness. It's funny, for some reason I think I do come off as ditzy in person; I have a tendency to giggle a lot and smile but if anything I do it out of nervousness. It's a lot easier for me to write, thoughts tend to flow more readily and I guess there just isn't as much social pressure in my mind. One funny thing that happened was I was talking to this one gentleman and was interested until he sent me his I am not very superficial believe it or not but I do think attraction is important in a SD/SB relationship. This is the picture he sent me (I edited it for anonymity)

Lol he sent me other "normal" pictures too and I'm thinking he has a sense of humor but I don't know it really weirded me out for some reason. He kind of resembled Albert Einstein, too. Anyway I'm hoping all of your searches are going really well. I think when I find the right one, I'l just know it


  1. Lol, what is this? Cat in the hat meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?!?!?

  2. hehehe, loving the picture. Im exactly the same as you about the phone calls, at least with messages you can think about a witty reply, have time to say the right thing etc... which I think is important! On the phone you need to think on your feet more and I, like you, struggle with that. I hate it! Bow x

  3. this. is. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    there are people who are into this kind of thing, you know, sexually...!?

